Friday, May 6, 2011

Amazing water bridge passes over a river in Germany!!

Does not know any human no matter how impossible it seemed strange or illogical, even if water bridge over the water to cross the ships!!:

What you see at the top is a true picture of the Magdeburg Water Bridge in Germany, is one of the strangest bridges of the world because it is designed for the transit of ships on the river Elbe in Germany!
The length of this waterway, 918 meters and width 43 ​​m, and connecting channels between the Alps and Mitiland Havel in Germany.

The fallopian Alp Havel and Mitiland connected corridor of water is passing through vessels across the river Elbe to a distance of 12 miles, and was of this corridor annoying problem is the low water levels in the river Elbe was required ponds to raise and lower ships as they move to and from the River Elbe, and this process was Requests and the time and effort, so engineers search for other ways to link with some of the channels was the idea is to bridge passes over the river!!

Interestingly, the project is not new, but work began in the thirties of the last century, and then stopped because of World War II and after because of the division of Germany until he returned work on in 1997, completed construction and will be inaugurated for the passage of vessels after 6 years in 2003.

Cost the bridge that we see in the pictures and $ 727 million needed for the canal basin 24,000 tons of steel and 68,000 cubic meters of cement. To imagine the size of this engineering achievement imagine that this bridge holds 134 thousand tons of water to be able to raise large ships!!

Who would have imagined that could create a bridge to cross the ship above the water!!


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