Sorry Einstein may be wrong: an amazing discovery for CERN scientists "may" alter our view of the universe forever!

Even if your field away from the field of science or physics who among us has not heard of Einstein's theory of relativity?!
Vnspah Einstein was during the last century one of the main pillars upon which modern physics and our view of the universe. This was based on the relative that the light is the fastest thing in the universe Nothing can be faster than that, but for the moment ..
Scientists have discovered the first in Switzerland yesterday that a particle actually goes faster than light!!
The problem with that?
If it's true what has been discovered that simply means that we can send data to the past, and that these particles reached the finish line before the start from the beginning already, or they moved in the dimensions or other universes beyond our understanding!!
It may seem "crazy" is the same word that the scholars mentioned that they announce their discovery at a news conference, but this "madness" is the accurate results of research that went on for months to come out to us with this result, and here's the details

What is CERN?
CERN is the name of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, which is a shortcut to the organization's name in French: Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, the largest laboratory of molecular physics in the world.
CERN and the tremendous contributions to humanity in the field of physics and other areas as well, and you can imagine that the credit for the web that you read through this subject is the British scientist Sir Tim Berners Lee, who works in the CERN!
A team of scientists CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) will launch a beam of neutrinos (elementary particles) between the two centers for research under the ground, one in Switzerland and one in Italy. The distance between the centers of research and 730 km, while the scientists measured the speed of neutrons with measurement and monitoring of high-resolution were surprised that it arrived faster than light!!
The speed of light in a vacuum 299,792,458 meters per second, the speed at which scientists consider the maximum speed of the cosmic (according to the theory of special relativity), while the neutrinos moved quickly 299,798,454 meters per second, ie, it moved faster than light, 60 billion of a second!
Which shocked the physicists and researchers in the CERN experiment, because the meaning of this is that special relativity, Einstein and all the laws of modern physics which it was built wrong. This means that our view of the fact that the need to rebuild completely!
Which shocked the physicists and researchers in the CERN experiment, because the meaning of this is that special relativity, Einstein and all the laws of modern physics which it was built wrong. This means that our view of the fact that the need to rebuild completely!

Researchers continue to study these findings months ago to think that a wrong calculations, and every time they pray to the same result, which forced them to publish the outcome of that research, which they described Paljnonah studied by scientists around the world also in the hope that someone discovers an error!
If he has discovered evidence that the results only frightening because it means that our understanding of the universe during the last period was wrong!
For more on this story you can see the official announcement from CERN (in English):LINK
Israel joins CERN as a member!:
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