Sunday, September 19, 2010

Another cry in the world of fashion: Instead of wearing clothes you can spray on your body!!

Wake up in the morning for a bottle Vthompsk Trjha a bit, then spray them on your body to become Spray in moments to be deposed, and clothes washed and ironed at the end of today!

Look scientific, but as we are used there is no difference between science fiction and reality, here's clothes did not watch the likes of before.

Surprised the Spanish fashion designer Manel Torres the world since the days when he announced on the first clothes are sprayed in the world!
The idea depends on the fabric is a means within the bottle like a bottle of perfume, and the spray to be launched this fabric to touch the body until it turns to the case of semi-rigid (flexible) like any normal clothes!!

Sweet idea is how to use several different colors to make for yourself (I mean, spray yourself) every day dresses!!

Can be employed this idea in some applications, such as fashion away from medicine as a quick cover patients Bazzi immediate rather than the usual hospital uniforms, or for football players to avoid being Ihdhm players exert their opponents of their clothes!!


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